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My name is Caroline Balazs and I am the original founder of the legendary brand SkinnyJab

I am your personal weight loss clinical advisor & lifestyle coach so you can get the most out of your weight loss journey and live a healthier life Don't believe me? I have helped over 20,000 patients lose weight for good and improve their lifestyles. I have done all the hard work, so you don't have too!

-Wellbeing and Lifestyle hub

- Weight loss medication & Lifestyle products

-FREE delivery to your door

- Celebrity weight loss stories

- Healthy recipes and meal plan guides to follow

- Online help and support to lose weight

'Ready to learn the secret of success to improve your life?'



I am here to share my secrets to success whilst using weight loss medication


With my help you can achieve the absolute most out of your weight loss journey. 

If you have never used medical weight loss, but been too scared to go there, well fear not, you are in the best place and the safest hands. I personally have used the medication for 6 years now, it has saved my life, quite literally!

Or if you have used these medications and felt that you didn't really get the answers or the results you needed, then again look no further.

I have helped so many people across the globe, from A-list celebrities, royalty, aristocrats, soap stars and basically everyone else from all walks of life. This works for men and women alike and any other variety of gender.

And it will be my pleasure to help you achieve the weight loss goals of your dreams and be in better shape and health than you ever thought could be possible. The 'jab' is only part of the story, to get the very best from it and to lose weight for life, then read on. 


So what happened to SkinnyJab? 

Sometimes creating the monster is one thing, but then having to manage and deal with it got too much for me. Anyone in business knows that when you have that 'light bulb' moment and you are the first to implement your vision and ideas into the public domain. Unfortunately, everyone else jumps on the band waggon and copies everything you do, they take your name, they take your ideas, basically strip you of everything. SkinnyJab is everywhere in the news & media right now, I actually own the copyright to the name, but everyone uses it! And its not OK- SkinnyJab is unfortunately a name that took off, but I don't think that we should be selling medication using this name- so I've moved SkinnyJab to be just a resource for information- not promoting a jab that makes you skinny- think that's so very last season darling!


So, 18 months ago, after 4 years of battling in the industry, I made the hard decision to take a step back. Not because I didn't believe in my business, we just couldn't make the profits to provide our unique support service. Big pharmaceutical competitors had driven the prices down so much that made using our business model impossible. Then with the added issues and restrictions forced upon us by Covid and Brexit.

Huge overheads with staff, clinicians, business premises & several retail outlets it all  just got too much to deal with and we were sinking faster than the Titanic, the sums didn't work anymore and it all had to go, saddest days of my life. Everything we had built, everything we believed in, it all had to go.


All I ever set out to do was help people, next thing I know I'm in the middle of a raging storm that I couldn't control. Simply,  I had a dream to change peoples' lives, but before I knew it, I was in the middle of an absolute nightmare. I decided that my mental wellbeing meant more to me. The hardest thing to admit was that this was all making me ill. I'm not a quitter, but I was fighting a battle that I could never win and sometimes its best to cut your losses, retreat and re-evaluate the situation, and thats exactly what I did.


Walking away was the right thing to do, although really hard to leave my loyal patients, but I needed time to think and re-assess the situation.

I knew it wouldn't be forever, but I needed a minute to get my focus back and get everything into perspective again. I knew it wasn't the end because I am so passionate about helping people and changing their lives for the better. This time round it's on my terms and I am going to do things my way.

BUT I am back, with a twist, I've set up a new company called Weight Loss Online (WLO) and this is where you can be assessed for prescription weight-loss medication



My 'SkinnyJab' website also offers medical services, and is a platform for news and information regarding obesity and its management with loads of researched  educational articles and with all the latest up to date news via media and current affairs




Whether using weight loss medication or not - Lifestyle & Me is a website that covers more generalised aspects of life! From skincare, to home decor, pets, and how to get the best out of life with healthy living

If you are looking to lose weight -I will be sharing my thoughts, secrets, meal plans, tips and tricks to getting the most out of your weight loss plan. But trust me when I say, my advice is life changing, and you will see how to use your medication from a completely different light and actually enjoy the process of becoming a better version of YOU.

After all, I created a huge success, and that wasn't down to the medication, it was down to the extensive research, the secrets, the meal plans, the aftercare, and learning how to use your medication properly.

All this information was uniquely designed by me so patients could lose pounds every week without fail, not just hope for the best whilst using weight loss mediation.

It's not just about a drug, it's about everything else in life that we do too!!








Fad diets really are a thing, but this isn't. My knowledge gets results, I promise, and thats why I am sharing it


Have you tried the likes of SkinnyJab, Skinnypen, SlimJabs, and all the other numerous names for the popular  Ozempic & Saxenda weight loss injections... and they have never worked for you or maybe you had a great success but then reached a plateau? You could never understand what you were doing wrong, you were eating all the right things, moving more but STILL, nothing. Leaving you to feel disheartened, unmotivated and no results. Then you give up and go back to old habits, right? 

Well I can guarantee you, you were doing it all wrong...

For years, I have studied weight loss, I studied this medication, I knew it worked. It is in some form a miracle yes, but you also have to put the work in too, not much, but some, and I will teach you. When commiting yourself to anything, your commiting yourself to change for the better, for you, for your health. This is not a quick fix. 

And if I can do it, so can you... I have done all the hard work so you don't have too

I am here to help you achieve the most desirable weight loss results possible using my extensive research and knowledge that no one has ever told you before. This isn't just about a 'weight loss pen or jab' this is a 1000% more than you could ever imagine. So YOU can get the results without the worry. I have pulled together amazing, motivational digital books so you can get back on track and know what your doing when it comes to losing weight. 


 I am here to get you weight loss results. FREE to all my  patients. Included in my support plan you will receive fortnightly 1-2-1 check ins, tailored diet and exericise plan, staying motivated and FREE access to members areas, webinars, podcasts, social media chats with celebrities, continuous support and 24/7 aftercare, exclusive discounts off ebooks. If you really want to take your weight loss seriously and get results, this is for you.



“Caroline is amazing, I have used the slimming pens for years, with no knowledge on what I am actually meant to be doing nor any sufficient results , but then I discovered her ebooks, and the information just makes so much sense as to why I haven't got the most out of my weight loss and everything that I need to do correctly to gain results. I have now lost 14lbs and I cannot thank Caroline enough. ”

Alexa, 31

Nourish Your Body & Soul

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